Perla King

Perla Torres King lived in Baytown before moving to Crosby in 2015. King has experience with tropical storms and hurricanes in the areas, her first being Hurricane Ike. Although her family did not personally suffer damages, it did open her eyes as to preparing for future storms. King’s experience with Hurricane Harvey had more complications because her home was five minutes away from the Arkema chemical plant, which had an explosion due to the storm.

The Kings’ house flooded slightly and their vehicles were damaged. Since the Kings could not evacuate, the Army rescued them in a truck. To stay informed, King reviewed Fox 26 News and Facebook on her phone until she arrived at her parents’ house, where they had access to a television. In recounting her Harvey experience, King mentions the fear and uncertainty of the time. However, she reveals her gratitude for the friends and family who constantly checked on them. Upon returning home, King saw the aftereffects of the Arkema explosion, including puddles of black ashes on the ground. The danger of the explosions led to prolonged evacuation for Crosby residents and, unfortunately, to the death of the Kings’ pet donkey. As compensation, Arkema provided the couple with a rental car for a month and granted them $100. On the first anniversary of Harvey, King reflected on her experience and hoped she would not have to relive it. King concluded her interview by reflecting on returning to a semblance of normalcy post-Harvey and how Harvey will affect her preparations for the future.