animal hospital Animals Arkema chemical plant Atmosphere automobile damage bayou Beyonce Brenham Buffalo Bayou Carbon Dioxide car damage cattle ranching chemical plants children church volunteering Climate Crisis Coalition of Community Organizations community organizer community organizing Continental Airlines Crosby Disaster Medical Assistance Teams disaster response drainage East End eclampsia electricity El Franco Lee emergency dispatch emergency medical services emergency medicine emergency shelters Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center (JCC) Fifth Ward Baptist firefighters flight attendant Flooding Kingwood with Kindness floodplain Flood Relief floodwater funding generator gentrification George R. Brown George R. Brown Shelter geriatric Goose Creek Independent School District government Harris County Commissioner Harris County Flood Control high water vehicles Houston Responds Hurricane Agnes Hurricane Katrina hurricanes insurance Jewish Houston Lake Conroe dam Lakewood Church leadership medical emergency medical help medications Memorial Day Floods Midtown Missouri City native houstonian news channels ophthalmology outreach organizations Passover pets Photography prayer psychological care Reliant Relief efforts religious leadership renters repairment Resilient Houston response Rice University Scenic Wood school service St. John's Downtown Church Stuebner Airline Veterinary Hospital support SWAT teaching Temple Emanu El Texas Legislature Tropical Storm Allison Turkey Day Classic U.S. Army unemployed USA Today veterinarian WALIPP Senior Center